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My practice during pandemic times

Though the majority of my clients were booked at the local Trust where I worked, there were a number further afield, in different NHS Trusts. So far to date I have liaised with 4 other NHS Trusts: - and most have been helpful and supportive within the constraints of what they were able to provide.

The pandemic brought challenges to maternity service delivery, particularly with home birth provision, face-to-face appointments and community midwife home visits  which were significantly reduced or discontinued all together. Independent Midwives including myself continued to provide face to face care and home visits. Birth care was unfortunately a problem due to Insurance for self employed midwives and so was not provided. Some midwives including myself were able to link in with their local Trust and provide care through the NHS bank during the pandemic times. Birth Insurance is now thankfully no longer an issue for myself and other independent self-employed Midwives as this is now possible through Zest.

During the pandemic, many organisations and businesses diversified to remote working from home and virtual meetings. Women were also innovative in seeking out support as did one amazing young mum, Anna, who sought me out and contacted me for what she called 'Remote Birth Support'. We had several virtual meetings and a number of phone calls. Anna was able to call me whenever she needed for support and advice to help her navigate through very challenging circumstances. I was glad to help, but at the same time, sad I could not help her more and, ideally, be by her side. Anna lived 4 hrs drive away from me and even if I could miraculously get there, I would not be able to be her birth midwife due to not having the insurance to do so at the time. I was able to help her despite these challenges and although things were not perfect, she felt empowered and knowledgeable enough to make decisions that were right for her, including achieving an earlier than usual discharge from hospital which is what she wanted. See Anna's story HERE