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Rachael's Story

Following a difficult pregnancy, birth and postnatal period with my daughter and a challenge to get pregnant again which included IVF and loss, I knew that I would need continuity of care during pregnancy and a huge amount of support. I looked into a private midwife and messaged a few, but Sarah was very personal in her reply and we instantly clicked on the phone. My pregnancy was complicated with multiple medical issues, precious and very hard going mentally. I didn’t breathe for the whole 9 months. Sarah was just wonderful, got us through it and was very thorough with everything she did for us. I was booked in at St Mary’s so her connections there and support during consultations was just wonderful. It helped everything to be smooth and any worries were quickly addressed.
She is very knowledgeable too about everything to do with pregnancy and postnatally and that has really helped me to have one of the smoothest post natal periods - nothing was not covered.
These are the gems that helped me so much. We talked in detail about my daughter’s birth and she helped me reframe it by looking at my hospital notes, we went through birth in detail with both me and my husband, she was an advocate for mental health and physiotherapy referrals, supported me during an ECV and discussions about breech presentation, helped to ensure my mental health care plan was followed, helped to sort out my C-section wound post birth and helped to get feeding established. For anything she was completely there for us. Leo is a wonderful longed-for little man. It was the best investment we have made to ensure our wellbeing. His name means strength and courage but I wouldn’t have had this in as much abundance as I did without Sarah with us every step of the way.